

Let your mind rest for a moment.


Nutrition hygienist since I learned I have learned that not everything that looks like a food feeds.
Rather, many of the foods that are apparently in shopping malls and we advertised in the media to provoke mind diarrhea are not healthy. Many of them are not even food. Rather, they are toxic only cause your body, swallow, are problems. Depending on the quantity of the sensitivity of your body and the degree of toxicity that have become more or less problematic.
And when I say I do not mean toxic substances that will kill primer. They do like alcohol: they kill you slowly without you noticing, so that you continue buying.
Remember: BUY! BUY! BUY!
That in addition to being necessary for life gives you happiness!
Never let you buy!
Never let you buy ... because that's why they pay you a salary (if you're lucky enough to work. Why work in these times more than a matter of preparation is a matter of luck). If you had nothing to buy, do you think you paid a salary?
We must also understand that there are some men entrepreneurs who have a right to stratospheric profits, even at the expense of your health (which they care very little). Think you maintain your standard of living requires little sacrifice. To live or a little piltrafilla sanote enfermilla neither you will notice ...
What other political masters are responsible for regulating what is right and necessary and proper says very little about them. But what I'm going to tell a politician you do not know at this point!
What these guys have not thought of is that you are a human being with some intelligence and a presumed ability to learn. That the use or not is yours. If you prefer to snooze in front of the TV ... What the hell you read me?
But if you think you can always learn something or at least get the odd question ... YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE!
It said that the Greek philosopher, long before a list will despoil the country a few millennia later, the worst disease is ignorance. And the cure is to learn.

Because if you learn ... have the ability to choose between healthy food and unhealthy food (which I will label soon).
Watch where you have achieved independence ... nutritional. You have the ability to choose to put food on the mouth in gear. Come on, what some call freedom. But making good use of it.
Because what good is freedom, but you know use?
Stop philosophizing, I too am sleeping, and come in to explain a little more in depth on the section that touches us.
On the "recipes very healthy" nutritional foods include those that should be taken regularly. For the simple reason that we provide the necessary nutrients that our body requires daily to achieve balance.
These nutrients are proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, trace elements and water, basically.
These are foods that you would have to take them every week. If you ask me how many times you say that only you know your way of life and only you who must determine based on your personal needs.

Try to understand this because it is of vital importance: each person is different from another. We can not compare to a pregnant woman to another who is not, nor to an obese person with a professional athlete.

Each one will need more or less nutrients vital to achieve this goal it has set or that governs his life.
In the same way you can not do a whole diet for all the millions of people on the planet. It is always best to customize it according to each individual. But it is true that there are some general guidelines that apply to all common mortals. And these are discussed in this blog.
If quedote clear that we have gained much.
If you do not understand half write me and I will repeat it in another entry.
 But do not fret. I intend to develop these points are essential in nutrition hygienist.
A greeting.

JOSE, nutritionist hygienist.

PS 1: Translated with Google Translator.
PS 2: If any error correcting translation and want to help can send me an email. The original entrance is located at:
