A healthy way of life includes these foods and others.
If you remember I told you already in the Presentation of what is the hygienism that this is a way of life or a life philosophy. In another entry delve on this issue you will find on the label "03 - What is hygiene."
I also explained that its main feature is that one is living in harmony with nature understood that man is part of the former and as such should live integrated and, following its rules.
Failure to comply with this requirement means that, sooner or later, will come to the disease.
On this basis you can have a way of life if you keep those own minimum necessary to keep you balanced. And the good news is that knowing if you occasionally sidetracked by the circumstances that are at any time you decide you can go back to that.
If you have this information and not know when you get lost in other ways that he will return to more a matter of luck. And leave your health to chance ... does not seem very smart.
Hence the importance of not living in ignorance and have sufficient knowledge nutritional independence and you free gives to take, under any circumstances, create appropriate decisions knowingly.
You know that when I speak of "way of life" I mean the set of actions and decisions that make your life how you live, what attitude you have, what values guide you, how to eat, how you relate with others and your environment, the presence or absence of ethics, how to nourish you, if any physical activity or inactivity, and so on.
All these characteristics define your behavior, ie how you act. If constantly repeated becomes a habit or routine. And because in our society today there is no single way of acting will be as many way of life as individuals or groups of different people that act between them equal but opposite way, different or distinct from the rest of society.
The way of life of a person will determine your quality of life. A good quality of life corresponds a constant balance and harmony which is reflected in a health maintained over time. This will result in an optimized body functioning properly to support life at its highest level and with a slower aging.
In contrast, a poor quality of life shall imbalance that leads inexorably to disease. It's about time that this makes an appearance. More will appear sooner or later because the body is not optimized and will not provide the materials necessary for you to do what your DNA is programmed: to maintain life. Think survival is recorded in all cells and that try to do ... if the owner of that body permits.
And if you let ... they already know the ending. The first step will be to a disease and the second to the death where no longer be able to take more steps.
Natural death, I understand, occurs in advanced old age where there is absence of disease. Quite the opposite is avoidable so any unnatural death is a failure of medicine.
Many times I can make the behavior in the life of a person watching what you do: from the way that is fed by its appearance and to its values and ethics by how he treats his fellow man. But it is true that the evaluation will always be poor because I always miss more than that information is as accurate as possible.
Cover the whole concept of the way of life of a person's is long and complex. These are issues arising from our diversity and well studied sociology. That is why now I will focus in relation to nutrition and nutrition specifically the hygienist. Perhaps in a future entry to return to this issue where I left off.
A inappropriate way of life that will lead to disease is one that meets these requirements:
- Incorrect nutrition: a hot dog or hamburger with chips taken every day or every other day also, heated in the microwave convenience foods or in a deep fryer with oil, food additives (preservatives, antioxidants, colorants, thickeners, flavoring, flavor enhancers, etc.). Food source intoxicated (fertilizers, pesticides, antibiotics, hormones, etc.), foods sweetened with sugar or salt eliminating the natural flavor of food, etc.
- Excess amount of food: as bad as a wrong nutrition is an excess of food. If you wonder why it is better if the excess or defect the answer is balance. Always eat right, you need your body. You must learn to know what your body needs and when to give it.
- Insufficient hydration and/or inadequate: sweetened beverages or toxic substances (coffee, alcohol, chlorinated water, fluoridated water) not only provides moisture but the remaining. There is a false sense of wellbeing. When you take a drink your body has inadequate use part of the stored water to remove these toxic you entered and interfere with the normal functioning of your body. If you do it from time to time (as an exception) your body does not suffer because it removes easily. If you do daily can detoxify your body as quickly and will be matter of time before disease appears, the fastest being overweight or obese.
- Lack of physical activity: sedentary lifestyle makes your body is not optimized, it will age faster and be more prone to illness.
- Constant poisoning your body: for the times that we live from air pollution, acoustic, food toxicity, chlorine and fluorine in the water until saturation with television hinder mental development of your normal body and your mind.
- Improper food combining: mixing proteins with carbohydrates is an incorrect combination it difficult to digest: the more complicated and long, are generated toxins and nutrients are lost. Of course, the body can digest it. But it is not the same thing over 2 hours to digest another 4 hours or more while also mixed fruit or ice cream at that meal, animal fat, etc.
- Stress: is a factor that disrupts the accuracy of your body. It takes you to states that will lead to continuous rapid collapse sooner or later. Think that stress was created for a given time (for the dog of your neighbor does not bite you when you come to work because your muscles tighten and run more than an athlete at the Olympics) and not for every day. It's like driving always with the throttle. If the engine of your car will break down your body as well.
- Drugs: alcohol, snuff, trash TV, hard drugs (cocaine, heroin, crack, etc..) That make you a slave, live your life prevent you from getting close acortándotela and a little more to your grandparents that you miss.
- Incorrect preparation of food: a food frying oil makes a healthy food due to unhealthy toxins and fat saturation. In this transformation carcinogens make their appearance. So you must learn to cook properly and in a healthy food.
- Insufficient dream: not sleeping enough hours you prevent your body repair itself. Sleep is the repair of your car body. You should know that not getting enough sleep eventually leading, eventually, disease. In addition, during the day will prevent you from paying 100 % in that its activities.
- Incorrect breathing and contaminated: incorrect breathing is a cause of asthma. This disease can be cured simply by re-educating the lungs to breathe properly. In another post I will talk about asthma and its solutions. Now you should be aware that if the above bad breath you breathe is polluted your lungs look like a coal mine it will be dirty.
A proper way of life and correct that will allow you to stay healthy (if you already are) or restore the lost balance (if you're sick). Is as follows:
- Nutrition correct: learns to distinguish healthy from unhealthy cornice. If your buying power allows choose organic products. If they can choose the least contaminated. It is better to eat little and good not to saturate your body with toxins.
- Moderation in the amount of food: you overeating leads to obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, if only moderate consumption and feed you with what your body needs to be able to maintain your health and slow aging by worrying about your personal affairs instead of your personal illness.
- Adequate hydration: pure water (distilled water and osmosis) will give your body necessary for hydration. You can supplement it with herbal teas, natural fruit juices (the packed most are not natural but concentrated) and vegetable broths.
- Physical activity appropriate to the age and personal circumstances: our body has a muscle that is optimized when subjected to a sport. If you play sports you will be working for your health. If you do not try to do one of three swimming, yoga, walking. And do not say that even if you do you walk it every day and a light step that's sport. This also helps your body and your health.
- Cleansing diets and detoxification of the body in the spring and fall: to eliminate toxins that our body stores inside because he can not expel the outside (either because the amount exceeds its capacity to eliminate or because the disposal system is not optimized and, therefore, does not work well) you have to help by cleansing diets and detoxification. I will discuss them in another entry.
- Proper food combining: food combining is well devote less energy to the digestive process, the nutrients have been consumed in its entirety and in less time, not create toxins and achieve optimization of the body to keep it in the time.
- Learning to live relaxed: if you can not eliminate the underlying cause of stress must learn to relax to prevent that will overflow. The relaxation to optimize automatically the body, from breathing to body and mind. If you can not relax do not have a fundamental tool for balance quickly. In another post I'll show you how.
- Elimination of physical dependence, psychological and emotional: dependencies means that if you're not living your life in a free and independent. You are conditioned by those agencies that force you to act in a certain way even when you do not want to do so. An example of this is drugs. But there are more examples to be discussed later.
- Correct preparation of food: when you learn to prepare food properly do you get the vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other components as intact as possible avoiding self destruction and disappearance that occur when, for example, fry food. You should know that cooking food is steamed the healthiest way there is.
- Sufficient sleep: when resting enough hours that your body needs to allow the function of sleep has done its job. Speak in another entry from the importance of sleep but now you know that it is fundamentally a continuous and adequate rest your body. I can not say how many hours because every body needs more or less. You'll know the right when you wake up with energy, fully rested and ready to face another day.
- Correct breathing and pure: to learn to breathe is something that is not taught in schools. I imagine that your health care and mine very little. So I had to learn through Yoga and through new techniques capable of curing diseases such as asthma where modern medicine fails miserably.
Although there are more requirements to determine if your way of life is right or wrong I have focused on the main. It is possible that later in another entry, I extend further on the matter.
If you remember the Presentation of recipes and food nothing healthy I said that at present the way of life I recommend for normal people (which are not athletes, mainly) are Monday through Friday abide by all rules and to weeks allowed some joy. But always in moderation.
The same goes for birthdays, holidays and vacations in general.
This way of life I have proposed after the person has again reached equilibrium and has a weight. Overweight people should first achieve this balance. Then you can follow this way of life if they wish.
Failure to do so well is a matter of time before re-create bad habits because they resist unhealthy foods requires great mental ability that not everyone has.
And as I prevent repeat past mistakes I need to provide a solution to combine the tissue with the civilization that we live.
It is better to err a bit on the weekend a little each day. Because if every day was not able to create a habit. And if only given a little over the weekend and Monday begins again healthy nutrition (and, of course, continue with it on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday) will give our body time to clean , detoxify and heal.
When every day you eat healthy food nothing happens that does not allow your body to detoxify toxins and excess not only increase your weight but also are the source of future disease.
To finish this post you must remember that what you do will affect your health. It is not the same doing the wrong thing from time to time to do it every day. What you do every day has a cumulative effect that is multiplied bit by bit. If the same is done exceptionally well but will be cumulative and added to compensate with a return to a healthy and balanced diet is subtracted and disappear again regaining balance.
Think about this last comment. It is important that you understand.
That is all.
A greeting.
JOSE, hygienist nutritionist
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