

Water, the vital liquid.


Life as we know it today emerged from the water and required millions of years of evolution to be emancipated, conquering new horizons, to live outside it, but never without it. Everybody knows that 70% of the Earth consists of water, a similar percentage in our body. And that percentage is so high because water can not exist without life. Water is the source of life. The circle is closed: water-life, life-water.

The functions of water in our body are varied. Here are a few:

  • With water all cells of both human and animals and plants can carry out their biochemical reactions.
  • It is an effective means of transport in the exchange of substances between cells.
  • It is essential in eliminating waste (urine, sweat and defecation).
  • It is necessary for the separation and repair of tissues.
  • It is the fundamental composition of the secretions of the body.
  • It is essential in dissolving the food for absorption by the intestine.
  • Involved in maintaining body temperature.

    It is therefore imperative to replace it by the daily intake through drinking quality water (distilled water and reverse osmosis) and through the food contained. The water contained in fruits and vegetables, for example, is an organic water. That is, the water is distilled with organic nutrients: vitamins, organic minerals and trace organics. Basically these two sources should be the continuous supply in humans.

    And the problem is that such supply is not continuous or that it is but of poor quality. Both an inadequate water consumption by not having a minimum quality (tap water, filtered water only coal, soft drinks, colas and other soft drinks, exciting or alcohol, etc..) Food as an anarchic, without any balance, without respecting the natural principles hygienists will lead, inevitably, in any disease.

    Although our body is able to detoxify continuously without problems when it exceeds its maximum operating capacity is saturated, collapses, or disease appear, which is the same, time off work (who is lucky enough to work), rest and diet required required which will allow the agency to recover saturated gradually to return to that lost balance.

    With regard to water quality concerns must always know what you're drinking. From there you can choose what you'd like to do at each moment but will be an election with an informed and knowing the consequences of your actions. Come on, a smart choice if you decide to do the right thing for your body.

    To understand what is the quality of water you should understand two concepts: physical water and water energy:

    • The physical water: it is composed of distilled water (originally it was before the rain would go to one source, a river, a well, etc.. Following the hydrological cycle, and finally arriving at your home) plus other components. Some are organic and other inorganic materials.
    The organic components include substances derived from living organisms and are normally formed by combinations of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. We must also take into account the water living organisms: viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa and amoebas, mainly.

    Inorganic components are: sulfate, chloride, fluoride, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, silicon, bromides and iodides, lithium, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, iron, etc.. They are not comparable either by humans or by animals but by the plants. The living things that are evolutionarily above the plants can only assimilate organic minerals found in food (vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes, fish, meat, eggs, etc.). As ingested through water has two negative effects: Useless and energy expenditure. Useless because the inorganic minerals are not usable water and energy expenditure because the body must devote energy to eliminate them through urine, giving more work to the kidney, if you can not filter all are eventually deposited in muscles, bones, organs and will the raw material for forming the much dreaded and painful kidney stones.

    • The energy water: is referred to more subtle composition also affects our body. Through quantum physics we know that every object and substance has its own vibrational pattern. Distilled water molecules are neutral and are capable of absorbing (resonance) frequencies of each subject with which it comes into contact and store this information. And depending on the information we find living water, energy and structured or unstructured dead water.
    For example, if the distilled water of the rain comes in contact (at some point in their journey up to the table in our house) with heavy metals, radiation, phosphates, pesticides, fertilizers, nitrates, etc.. absorb the negative frequency but at a given time can eliminate these remains by physical water treatment processes than distillation. The frequencies of these pollutants manage to break their natural structure and although the physical water is potable water to pass that energy will have become a dead energy fluid and unstructured transmit frequencies we have turned unfavorable in the water all substances harmful to has come across in your journey before arriving prior to our home.

    As explained above you can now understand that the water from your tap water but energy is physically dead by contaminants with which it has been exposed as the various chemical treatments to which it is subjected to purification.

    This does not include contaminants that can pass health checks as happened from 1998 to 2000 in 132 municipalities in Catalonia (Spain) where they received public drinking water with nitrate levels above those permitted by law.

    But do not just tap water. We also find varying amounts of nitrates in both plant foods and in some bottled waters. The cause is the constant use non-organic farming nitrogen fertilizer that end up going into the food chain. With respect to nitrites should know that can bind with amines present in the stomach to form nitrosamines which are potentially carcinogenic substances. So is the problem of cigarillos end up contaminating the water in the aquifers.

    You should also know that some mineral waters may contain springs or nitrates in varying amounts and, in principle, the packers are not required by law to report the exact concentration while not exceeding mandatory standards for municipal water.

    This process of purification of tap water break and ordered dismantled structures that carry information vital therapeutic and pure water, which means that it can cause many long-term organ dysfunction.

    In nature we find living water structures and a high energy in the springs, fountains, wells or aquifers, and so on. But only in those parts of the world which are not subject to contamination. Think that civilization has reached every corner of the Earth with this "side effect" of petroleum products. Acid rain is very difficult the purity of a region because the clouds are moving indiscriminately without regard even to those communities living attuned to its unpolluted environment at all. What is the difficulty of finding a lake, a well, river, lake, pond, an aquifer or a source that does not have some type of contamination. Surely many of them will be drinking but far from pure water as was the initial distilled water from the rain.

    Ironically, their own systems and mechanisms contaminate water purification final. For example, chlorinated and fluoridated tap water. Without going too much of you commented that you should know that the immediate (short term) in your body go since the destruction of vitamin E to stomach irritation and alteration of the intestinal flora.

    So the quality of water, according to nutrition hygienist, has this descending order of quality:

    1.  Distilled water.
    2.  Osmotic water (through reverse osmosis).
    3.  Water treated with activated carbon (removes chlorine only).
    4.  Bottled water.
    5.  Tap water.

    In short: water is vital to the health and daily consumption with excellent quality will help solve and prevent diseases. That gives us the highest quality water distillers that turn, following the cycle of nature, poor water quality, non-drinking water, water energy killed (including most of the mineral waters that are sold today) and unstructured water neutral distilled water: pollutants discharged (100 %), downloaded from organic and inorganic matter and energy discharged of all charges accumulated in the course of his life.

    The second water purification system with a very good quality (but not maximum as distilled) is reverse osmosis. In another post I will discuss these two water purification systems.

    Conclude by discussing
    a distillery offers the possibility of having neutral distilled water that is discharged through the energy can be transformed back into living water, energy and structured. If you do not know how soon I'll tell you.

    A greeting.

    JOSE, hygienist nutritionist

    PS 1: Translated with Google Translator.

    PS 2: If any error correcting translation and want to help can send me an email. The original entrance is located at:  
