

Thanks to all that I read it.

Without you this blog would be worthless.

Read me myself would be very boring!

Thanks also to those who have collaborated

while making a suggestion or making a general inquiry.

And special thanks too to those who have collaborated

while making a donation or a personal consultation

because they make possible that this project can go forward a little more.


JOSE, nutritionist hygienist.




The fourth part of what you eat keeps you alive.
The other three quarters kept alive to your doctor.



Both will kill you not eating as overeating.


As you know we are facing one of the causes of overweight. 

If you remember the entry How could I have gotten so fat? I said, at first, the consequences of long-term obesity and the end of it I referred to the main causes that lead (or have been taken) to this situation.

And one of them is excessive eating beyond what your body needs.

Already in 1951 Dr. Herbert M. Shelton, one of the premier U.S. Hygienist, we warned that too much protein and carbohydrates is a major cause of cancer.

But that's the end of a road which has been neglected in all the most minute precautions of nutrition either by ignorance or by neglect.

It is also true that not all overweight people will develop cancer since this depends on several factors. What is certain is that the probability of development without taking into account the increased power over another person who does prevention make lifestyle.

What you always have to be clear is that each person needs to eat according to your way of  life, your personal needs. So it is not valid to look at how a particular person is nurtured and imitate, such as a professional athlete, if you're not. Completely misaligned if your metabolism and energy expenditure do not make the same level with the sport your weight is guaranteed.

This example is valid for other situations that may occur and do occur in our society. Because ours is a society that suffers from some fundamental nutritional knowledge. And that ignorance leads to earlier referred to.

An ignorant person is easy prey for two social degeneration of our times: the fashion and advertising. Both influence the mind of anyone when you least expect it. Come on, you dawdle a while and you're buying something you've seen on television. And most know! What skill of yours!

The question I ask myself when I learned why nutrition hygiene was not taught in schools. I can own my body and can take care of a responsible, knowing how to do it, give me a nutritional autonomy, independence, which brings me closer to health by the prevention of the disease.

If I had learned what I know now would have taken long before the lifestyle I lead today. At least that option would have had to use my free will.

But when that option does not exist, even there, it means that someone has already decided for me. I imagine that someone wiser than me ... Or perhaps more interested in that I can not have that nutritional independence. Or you do not want to practice prevention. Or maybe you do not want me to be healthy and prefers me sick. What about you? Would you prefer I prefer healthy or sick?

Have you ever wondered if you prefer our system you prefer healthy or sick?

Maybe you're one of those who do not know and did not answer. Of those who do not think. Those who are not interested in these issues.

Sure, as long as doctors take care of your health you'll be fine, right?

But wait. Do you go to the doctor when you're sick? So do not take care of your health. Caring for your illness.

The way that you and I have is that within that system to which you are interested in people whose disease has excellent medical profession ranging from nurses, to the other professions and I will not name you know.

Yes, because they try to do their job the best I can and as far as they can. I mean it when they can not go beyond what some consider necessary to restore the health of some choose to leave part of that system. On ethical issues, more than anything.

In another post I will discuss in Spain oncologists who have left their well-paid and secure employment for reasons of discrepancies in the official views on the treatment of cancer.

And if you happen to wonder why the rest of oncologists do not do the same the answer is obvious: the circle, as in nutrition, is also closed. That is, we are meeting or ignorance or procrastination. How bad is the one and the other because we have the same result.

When you can not be your own doctor (because who better than me to know my own body) and depends on the fate of others will fall into the hands of someone competent or incompetent. I guess you'll have experiences in both directions, right?

Do not you ever wondered why there are competent and incompetent doctors?

It is assumed that all study the same curriculum as a certified and officers.

For in this case also make their appearance and advertising trends. Normally imposed by pharmaceutical companies whose power is immense. We, as leaders of our countries: the bankers.

Just stick your nose where it does not call me (or tell me what a doctor friend to keep me over the face) to understand that those no longer expect their victims to graduate or specialize. Go for them sooner. Introduced in the curriculum, participating in the drafting of some materials, funding events to promote their products in the same powers or expenses paid conferences, etc..

This publicity (which also can be called harassment indiscriminate, mental conditioning and trying to influence to persuade hypnotize your product does what it say it does, often carried out by the famous unscrupulous health visitor) is always linked to some kind of prebend, which is hard to refuse if it is a tradition in the sector. You're not going to be the only fool who does not participate in the distribution of cake, right? Total, who will know?

That although the medical incompetence has many aspects better leave it there. Remember that I'm just a grain that has left them in the ass.

Another day.

A greeting.

JOSE, hygienist nutritionist

PS 1: Translated with Google Translator.

PS 2: If any error correcting translation and want to help can send me an email. The original entrance is located at:  




Have you been scammed you and me. But I've decided to take off the face of an idiot.


The thymus of the artichoke may be simple or double. What you want to read first?

Start with the simple: go to a store and a friendly salesperson puts you your pound of artichokes.
It gives the bag, the sights and ... but if more tail that artichoke, hear!

It happens that the tail heavy and I do not eat it (it is bitter and not use or vegetable broth). So when I get home and I have to cook the tail goes to waste. And to throw it throw me the seller!

The seller tells me that he also sold artichokes tail.

I answer:

- Take a kilo of artichokes because I tail you are removing two or three more that I belong.

- The next time you buy artichokes, I advise the seller friendly, with no tail because they do not buy it.

And I'm not buying.

If many of us do this at the end timarnos stop. If I do I just going to throw me a lifetime without eating artichokes.

End by the thymus double: over scammed me out of the corner I want to make me work artichokes. This happens in Spain, large shopping centers and some shops. It saves the salary of one or two salespeople and I try to do your work for free. I do not even pay for their work or make me any discount!

This double thymus also occurs in the Spanish stations. In charge enough fuel and you've got to put you. A gold price I have to pay and doing the work of the employee who got fired!

Come on, I am for my car to adapt to a hydrogen gas that runs on water. So the scam is over stated and simple and double the gasoline is that 60 – 70 % are imposed.

My advice is if you want to continue scamming you do nothing. They already take care of everything. You only pay for what they say.

And if you want to continue scamming you do not buy the artichokes until you give without the tail. You will see that you enter more amount for the same kilogram of before.

What if, in addition, you are served a seller you save work for free and help to create jobs because this kind and friendly seller you will see every week at your local retailer.

A greeting from a consumer outrage.

PS 1: Translated with Google Translator.

PS 2: If any error correcting translation and want to help can send me an email. The original entrance is located at:  




The daughter of papa Smurf.


Yesterday I passed this thing called TV which I speak, and at that moment a journalist (very well informed, by the way) interviewing a Spanish hairdresser who was telling the virtues of hair dyes.

With a smile most appropriate to advertise toothpaste was to convince teleinvidentes dye do you use these and also tried to convince the reporter that he needed at all for his beautiful head of hair in my eyes looked splendid.

The latter, with a face of circumstances as saying he found it credible that all that mattered, he began to rebut certain arguments produced an interesting debate in such a short space of time.

The essence of it is that the interviewer knew the manufacturing process of the dyes. I knew that any substance used in this process was not healthy.

Ensure that the hairdresser was impossible to recognize him. Well because I did not know or because it was his business. But both given. If it was through ignorance or bad faith, the result was the same people who then see what I was seeing and did not have any information about you really think permanent hair dye was totally safe for your health as well as the aesthetic advantages it offered.

That is why I decided to make this entry. To speak of the matter in question and you have the correct information. After you use permanent dye your hair or do not use it will be up to you.

What you should know is the result of research conducted in the year 2002 at the University of Southern California (
United States) and published in the International Journal of Cancer.

This research was coordinated by researchers Manuela Gago and José Esteban Castelao and was performed for 10 years in males and females 1,500 patients aged 25 to 65 years.

The conclusion reached was that using permanent hair dyes regularly doubles the risk of developing bladder cancer. That's nothing. The cause that causes it are aromatic amines that are in these dyes. Specifically, the parafenilenediamina (PPD), aminophenols and orthophenylenediamine. But there are more toxic substances such as ammonia, resorcinol and formaldehyde.

In metallic dyes include substances such as lead acetate, precipitated sulfur, sodium thiosulfate, cobalt, nickel, copper and silver nitrate.

Also identified three important issues:
  • They are more dangerous dark dyes that clear.
  • The risk is higher for hairdressers who manage them. Spend more time in contact with those substances so they have a higher risk.
  • If you use permanent dye monthly for over a year have a risk equal to that caused by snuff.

So if you smoke, you use these dyes are in good health and have more luck than a rabbit from a hat of a magician (because you get older and not end up in your stomach).

This news is from 2002, 10 years ago, would have meant a change in the laws of the countries to ban the use of these aromatic amines and other toxic substances and replace them without any risk, which were fully safe for the health of users.

I have heard that in Germany, France and Sweden banned but not in Spain. The European Union regulates the use of these substances and prohibits exceed 6 % of the composition of the dyes.

If a component is proven toxic is no less toxic by using less amount.

We find the situation that commercial dyes meet the legal rate, but those made in the salons, as the case referred by dermatologists do not meet those rules.

I certify that this research will have cost a lot of money, time and inadequate evidence in humans (that to know that risk had to prove permanent dye and bladder cancer develop a significant number of people to give it as relevant as they there is a verifiable cause and effect) that has not been for nothing.

To finish this post you comment on other side effects that may occur using this type of stains. They are:

1. Mild cases:
  • Allergy to the dye.
  • Itching.
  • Redness of the scalp.
  • Scaling.
  • Generalized urticaria.
  • Hives.
  • Swelling.
  • Irritated eyes.
  • Irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose.
  • Headache.
  • Dizziness.
  • Fatigue

2. More severe cases:

  • Hypersensitivity.
  • Risk of respiratory distress (dyspnea).
  • Loss of coordination.
  • Disorders of memory.
  • Asthma.
  • Insufficient oxygenation of the blood (cyanosis).
  • Hypertension.
  • Reduction of oxygen transport to tissues (methemoglobinemia). If it is too intense can cause death.
  • Seizures.
  • Eat.
  • Multiple chemical sensitivity.

3. Use of permanent hair dyes tabs:

  • Simultaneous inflammation of the conjunctiva and eyelid (blepharitis).
  • Inflammation of the cornea (keratitis).
  • Corneal necrosis.
  • Inflammation of the uveal (eye).
  • Inflammation and degeneration of the eye nerve (optic neuritis).
  • Inflammation of the skin (contact dermatitis).
  • A state of hypersensitivity to one of those toxic substances triggered a violent response to alterations hyperergic in various organs and systems in the extreme can lead to shock and death (anaphylaxis).

If you think this listing is true and you can consult a manual of basic toxicology. If you can read to the end will be more informed than the reporter cited. Otherwise, if you can not sleep because stopping you've discovered a natural sleeping pill.

So my advice is do not use permanent dyes unless the true and natural disguise your hair is absolutely necessary for your self esteem.

But I advise you not only me. Also, the Professional Division of Industries of Beauty and Hair Care International Union of Food and Commerce say that some of the chemical oxidation dyes penetrate the skin and can be harmful to health. They warn that these products should be handled with care, wearing gloves during mixing, during application and during the removal of oxidation dyes.

Now I can not say you did not know.

The decision you make I hope it's the right one.

A greeting.

JOSE, hygienist nutritionist

PS 1: Translated with Google Translator.

PS 2: If any error correcting translation and want to help can send me an email. The original entrance is located at:  



If you offer me wisdom
the condition holds for me,
without telling anyone,
would not want.

SENECA (4-65 b.C.)




Do not understand why no water being able to distill sea water.


He writes Mongo G. S. Barcelona (Spain). I realize it is a Spanish student but his parents are from Somalia. They arrived in Spain 18 years ago.

He worries that the people of this country are in a state of constant hunger and thirst. He asks me who do not understand that having so much food here why not help being a part of it to Somalia.

I also wonder if in addition to know more food algae that can help eliminate famine.

I reply that in that country (and in general in the third world) there are two problems: the first and second economic policy.

The political problem is that corruption and lack of ethics prevents the country's economic resources intended for the creation of sustainable agriculture, an industry that manufactures the products needed for home consumption and fair trade. That money is what they are (which lead to tax havens) or spend it on weapons. Therefore, expect them to solve the famine is not the solution. Rather they are the problem.

The economic problem is that Somalia belongs to what in economics is called "the periphery" (Third World). Its function is to mineral and energy resources to so-called "Centro" (first world). In turn, the center to the periphery has outdated technology and surplus products can not sell or can not trade with other nations. But nothing is free.

Food gift campaigns various organizations or by individual countries manage end agriculture, industry and local businesses that may exist. For no one can compete against a free product.

To this is added the exploitation of human labor and both your parents have as many people decide to emigrate to other countries like Spain to have the opportunities that there are impossible to find.

Now that you understand the situation a little I said if I can bring ideas from the standpoint of nutrition hygienist.

I decided that I will create a entry entitled "Food for survival". Talk about how to distill water, how nourished when you have few resources, creating sustainable farms, etc..

If you have patience you will read shortly.

A greeting.

JOSE, hygienist nutritionist

PS 1: Translated with Google Translator.

PS 2: If any error correcting translation and want to help can send me an email. The original entrance is located at: 




Close your eyes and seeing this image in the eyes of your mind listening to the water that relaxes you ...


This entry is asking for your cooperation.

I wish I could make a list as comprehensive and complete as possible on bottled water in the world.

We would see in which countries are the best and in which the worst.

And if in the future travel to a particular country and you know what drink bottled water and what not.

If you wish to help see what bottled water you drink and look at the dry residue in the chemical composition appears on the label.

Send me an email and show me the brand, country and the value of the dry residue.

If you want to include your name as a partner or collaborator indicates that to me too. And the initials of your name. At the end of the entry appears.

Thanks for your help.

A greeting.

JOSE, nutritionist hygienist.

PS 1: Collaboration in this entry refers to this one:

PS 2: Translated with Google Translator.
PS 3: If any error correcting translation and want to help can send me an email. The original entrance is located at:  




That water is expensive does not mean quality.


In this post I'll make a list of the quality of bottled water in the world. In other entries speak of its types

The quality is determined by the dry residue found on the label on the chemical composition.

The dry residue is an essential parameter that must always be taken into account when choosing the best water for you and your family.

Know that water is obtained by evaporating a sample of a particular brand and sediment in the tank (called dry residue) is weighed obtaining their share of the whole. The standard measurement is given by the milligrams that is in a liter of water (mg/l). That is the measurement indicated by the laboratory and shown on the label. Other times indicated in parts per million (ppm) and is often used to measure water temperature tester with a natural (no evaporation).

For the dry residue have three options:

  • Look at the label: is the fastest and most reliable method in countries where the legislation requires mandatory labeling because it is a consumer right.
  • Ask the packaging: could write an email to the packager of the water you drink regularly to know what is the dried residue.
  • Measure it yourself: if you have a water tester can do yourself sensor measurement and determine its purity in parts per million. You should also know that one thing is the dry residue called TDS (total dissolved solids) vaporized that measures a laboratory and appears on the label of the bottle in milligrams per liter and a dry residue called TDS in water at natural temperature which is measured parts per million. The two parameters are adequate to determine water quality but it may not be identical. For example, I've made a measurement with two of the tester for bottled water brand in Bronchales (Spain). One gives me a value of 21 and the other gives me a value of 33 while the dry residue measured by the laboratory and contained in the label is 35. The most reliable data is always the lab.

Water quality, as already mentioned, is highest in the distilled water because the dry residue is zero.

Therefore, the more dry residue has the worst water quality will be. Conversely, the lower dry residue has the higher water quality.

And the ranking is as follows:

  1. Bezoya (Spain) = 26.
  1. Agua Sana (Spain) = 34.
  1. Bronchales (Spain) = 35.
  1. Ducale (Italy) = 58.
  1. Ensui (Japan) = 66.
  1. Sanxinés (Spain) = 82.
  1. Sousas (Spain) = 132.
  1. Viladrau (Spain) = 139.
  1. Ogo (Holland) = 143.
  1. Fontoira (Spain) = 169.
  1. Lauquen (Argentina) = 189.
  1. Fuente del Val (Spain) = 187.
  1. Mondariz (Spain) = 192.
  1. Cabreiroá (Spain) = 202.
  1. Lanjarón (Spain) = 206.
  1. L’avellà (Spain) = 230.
  1. Font Vella (Spain) = 237.
  1. Aqua Bona (Spain) = 278
  1. Fontecelta (Spain) = 285.
  1. Evian (France) = 309.
  1. Insalus (Spain) = 816.
  1. Wattwiller (France) = 889.
  1. San Pellegrino (Italy) = 960.
  1. Saint Geron (France) = 1.158
  1. Chateldon (France) = 1.882

A greeting.

JOSE, hygienist nutritionist.

PS 1: If you wish to help indicate the value of dry residue of bottled water I have not yet ascertained or in any brand that you drink regularly look at this entry called Analysis bottled water in the world.

PS 2: Translated with Google Translator.
PS 3: If any error correcting translation and want to help can send me an email. The original entrance is located at:  




Algae eating fish with the entanglement of big nose.


Algae is one of the essential nutrients in the diets of vegetarians. Because of its nutritional composition I consider it a healthy food. It can also be a nutritional supplement for those who do not include that food in their diet.

There are countries with long tradition of consumption as China and Japan. And great cultures that also found its amazing properties allowing its people eat. An example of this was the Aztecs. In Europe the Vikings also used in their diet.

In this first part I will make an introduction to the algae. In other entries I will discuss the varieties that exist, their composition, how can we find in the market, in which cases are recommended as a nutritional supplement, and so on.

People who have never been fed with algae should know that we have a very concentrated food so that in normal conditions, large quantities are required. For this reason it is considered a superfood (without cloak or red underwear on the outside). They are also considered as a vegetable from the sea.

So much so that the algae could feed the world perfectly and eliminate the endemic hunger. What if we do right now is rather a political issue and lack of ethics of those who govern us.

In fact they themselves commissioned expert groups to study algae as a means to overcome the famine linked to the misery and desolation that caused the two world wars. Unfortunately for us, citizens of the world, this event was paralleled by the development of chemical industry (especially oil) applied to agriculture led to improved efficiency and increased productivity per hectare.

Using various justifications in no way correspond to reality to halt a global food revolution in favor of intensive until the exhaustion of the land it needs to reverse its consequent infertility petroleum products by totally dependent on agriculture and away from Nature.

Were imposed on the rights and privileges of the few (the usual) to the detriment of the rights and health of a lot (we, the rest of the world population) who could not access this superfood in a standardized and normalized ( for example, as it has happened to cow's milk) not only to overcome starvation but to overcome or prevent disease.

While the disease is a food business and also the real possibilities of survival of all mankind are unreal and rather typical of science fiction. And hope that the solution comes from the top down never will. Just a little research to realize that we are also directing us sell what they make themselves (or their friends).

So it is stated that the information reaches the people as possible because some of them, knowing the solution, where it is needed or will those same people who have this problem decided to end it when working in this direction.

The social utility of algae is

  • Healthy food: are stimulating metabolism, provide vitamins and minerals, helps you lose weight, alkalize the body (the disease occurs in an acidified body), improve the functioning of the digestive system, strengthens the immune system, are anti-cancer, thin the blood, are cleansing, and so on.
  • Medicinal food: If food is not taken as usual I recommend taking it as a nutritional supplement.
  • Fuel: by fermentation of the biomass can generate methane gas as fuel.
  • Biofuel: biodiesel can be transformed into high calorific value.
  • Decontamination and detoxification: remove toxins from food, are able to absorb and remove heavy metals from the body, etc.
  • Anti-radiation: are also capable of removing body radiation. In Japan helped eliminate radiation from nuclear bomb tests released after the end of World War II in humans. In those who survived, of course.
  • Natural fertilizers: from the nineteenth century has been used as natural fertilizer because their soil properly prepared fiber and makes it more apt to retain moisture which together with its great variety of minerals allowed agricultural development in harmony with nature. This disappeared when the harmonious development pressures emerged for the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers combined with campaigns to discredit and fashions artificial algae created for this purpose.
  • Cosmetics: used in creams, masks, lotions, anti cellulite, etc.
  • Shampoos: the food of your daily skin comes this way. Or should it come.
  • Animal feed: due to their excellent properties and its low cost (depending on the variety in question), some producers have decided to introduce them into animal feed. Decision is correct.
  • Wastewater treatment: this functionality has experienced a remarkable success.

In the second part I will discuss the varieties of algae that exist.

A greeting.

JOSE, hygienist nutritionist

PS 1: Translated with Google Translator.

PS 2: If any error correcting translation and want to help can send me an email. The original entrance is located at:  




I do not know if the sun rises or sets.


Yesterday I discussed the fish stock because a reader asked me a few days ago.

If you would like to analyze some of the food you buy in a store usually a large area or write me an email and we always discuss from the point of view of nutrition hygienist.

If you have the possibility to photograph accompanying this product to me in your query along with the ingredients you read on the label.

I understand that not all countries there will be a state law requiring the labeling of food composition, ingredients, to inform consumers what they will buy and eat.

In this case, if you have much interest in a particular food, not indicated in the labeling, can write an email to the company that produces it. And when you send me that information.

A greeting.

JOSE, hygienist nutritionist

PS 1: Translated with Google Translator.

PS 2: If any error correcting translation and want to help can send me an email. The original entrance is located at:  




Now discuss this fish stock.


He writes Mireia R. L. Tarragona (Spain). He says he has read the two entries titled "Emergency Guide for Christmas" and "Understanding the elderly." Both speak of the vegetable broth.

Your question is a reference to the stock of fish that they buy regularly. He asks if it is healthy nutrition as hygienist.

I reply that I do not know all the brands and products of the Earth but that is easily solved. I ask you to send me a photo of the product and I write the list of ingredients in the vegetable broth.

I will not get to appreciate the trademarks, but the ingredients in a product. And know its quality ingredients.

This is a list of ingredients that brings the fish stock that brand and I comment below:

  • Water: and specifies nothing is understood to be packaged without chlorine. Those who have read the entry on the water you know that quality is more distilled, then osmosis, the treated activated carbon, the tap and bottled.
  • Iodized table salt: food and carry the appropriate amount of sodium and potassium in amounts balanced. For hygienist on nutrition and more if salt has been added artificially iodine.
  • Exalted taste (E-621, E-635): do not understand why you have to enhance the flavor of food. The natural thing is to accept the one with the source. The truth is that it does not understand: how the products are denatured lose not only their properties (vitamins, minerals, trace elements) but also its flavor (becomes insipid). To solve the problem some genius invented the E-621 and E-635. These food additives. The first is monosodium glutamate (hydrolyzed protein or yeast extract) and the second disodium 5'-ribonucleotide. They come together both to enhance four MSG, and create the so-called umami (taste tasty). These are substances that our bodies need to remove to prevent long-term poisoning. In Australia it is forbidden to E-635. For some it will be.
  • Lactose: if milk is a healthy food does not contain lactose seems totally inadequate. Especially if you are lactose intolerant. This ingredient spare. Or maybe what's left are massive amounts of milk producers who sell at low cost and reused without being necessary. Its function is to sweeten the broth and stabilize proteins.
  • Hydrolyzed vegetable protein (soy and wheat): I imagine that if you buy a fish stock looking to find fish and cereals and legumes. Has anyone seen the fish somewhere?
  • Hake powder (0.1 %): well, here is the fish. Wait a minute. 0.1 % of fish is not the piece that I give my cat a snack. Why is dust? I'll tell you: the quantities of fish that can not be sold or that are second quality dehydrated. Once that has no water and dust becomes so small amounts are added you will need an electron microscope to find it. And if you wear glasses better not even try or you'll go blind. To nurture with that amount you'll forget.
  • Yeast extract: is a waste product of the brewing and used by the food industry as an additive. In Germany there is a controversy because it is confused with MSG, yeast extract as the former is also known as the second. It happens that the food industry uses to introduce confusion where MSG is labeled yeast extract. Technically legal but unethical. Yeast extract is used on organic farms as a substitute for antibiotics because it is a natural stimulant of the immune system.
  • Prawns lyophilized powder (0.1 %): Freeze-drying is a method of dehydration by freezing and subsequent ice pressure gasification created that is used to obtain soluble shrimp. Come on, so you will not find a piece of shrimp and you choke. Although 0.1 % and a fly may cause choking.
  • Concentrate Tomato: do not even bother to put some tomatoes and crushed. Tomato concentrate allows real one to fill 10 boxes of fish from the broth. Neither quality nor quantity. To say that the tomato is a fruit and not to mix fruit with any food as the norm. As an exception is something else.
  • Dehydrated Onion: do not understand why the onion dehydrated if water is biological and organic leads (can absorb 100 % of its nutrients). Well, yes I know and I'll tell you: tons of dehydrated onions for conservation reasons (bought second quality cheaper) and to reduce its weight and volume (you may decrease 8 times its original weight thus reducing the cost of transport and packaging). In another post I will talk about dehydration.
  • Palm oil: it is cheaper than olive oil and sunflower oil. And worse quality because half of its composition is a saturated fat. Take this steak and 5 together is the same. To include ice cream and margarine fatten you understand what is not written. Besides it is detrimental to you for our planet and that because of their indiscriminate plantation tropical forests are disappearing. The main reason is its use as biodiesel. Imagine what oil is used for French fries, hamburger and in some restaurants. Now you know why eating fat in those sites.
  • Dehydrated Carrots: same thing happens with the onions. Premium is the cost and quick profit above the health of people.
  • Spices: which are not saying so is unknown.
  • Wheat flour: their role will be to thicken so that when you deposit the contents of the broth in a saucepan seem like there to fish and everything.
  • Dehydrated Tomato Puree: here we find truth and tomato concentrate. But not yet. I commented that the tomato is not right to mix with food and less if you are dehydrated.
  • Dehydrated glucose syrup: if the lactose has been sweet enough broth for added this component does not contribute nutritionally.
  • Thickener (carob seed flour and guar seeds): more thickeners to provide a consistent texture to the fish stock. Ingredient also spare.
  • Flavourings (contains soy): due to denaturation of the fish stock or knows anything or smell anything that requires a flavoring to make it smell good and as close to fish. Is not it easier to use fish to know and smell fishy?
  • Lobster dried (0.001 %): luxury will take lobster. One moment, 0.001 % is the ten thousand thousandth of hake appetizer my cat. There must be a scammer has first to say that lobster!
  • White wine extract: does not say much. I imagine that a drop well concentrated so you do not get drunk and gives an exquisite touch. I guess you had to put something in the ingredients and filling it is also not necessary.
  • Sugar: also known as sucrose is often not included when lactose because the latter already performs the function of sweetening. That is, we find none of them 3 healthy sweeteners and that we only provide empty calories of nutrients.
  • Lemon powder: the lemon is an acid and fruit. Fruits should not be mixed with food. With good and purifying it with lemon juice and water quality without sugar!
  • Saffron: 2010 priced at € 1,000 per kilo from Iran puts the label of appellation of origin in Spain (not all but most) and sells for € 3,000. In some cases (not all) is used cardamom and other plant residues rather than the stigma of the flower. So assuming it is legitimate or not unlikely, I would say it is wearing saffron. Unless it is a 0.00000000000000000000000000001%. So, yes.
  • Extract of celery: celery leaves would provide vitamins and minerals of interest. An extract rather provides very little.
  • Contains: gluten, soy, fish, shellfish, celery and lactose: well that may apply by intolerance to one of those components. But really, the amount is so low that I doubt that your body can react negatively. Rather, it split in two with laughter.
  • May contain traces of nuts: this means that no one looks at the final content of the fish stock to determine exactly what it takes. Surely the fellow on duty has risen to a giant pot and started to introduce all that has caught until it has reached its snack time. On his return he remembers has scored that has taken and what is not listed as "may contain ...".

Well, at this point you can extract yourself the same conclusion as me: the fish stock is healthy or not healthy. Not even a food. Come on, I would not give it or my cat. It is my friend and I like her. And, as the philosopher said, I do not want for your cat does not want for you.

If you want a fish stock have two options:

1 - You buy another brand.

2 - You do it yourself.

My advice is do it yourself. So you know that the products they use are quality.

I can use vegetable broth as a base and add the fish you have.

The fish soup as a starter you can use as a basis for a soup, a paella basis of fish, etc.. Although the nutrient will have been in the broth can take advantage of both the fish and vegetables (you provide mainly fiber).

That is all.

Thank you for your query, Mireia.

A greeting.

JOSE, hygienist nutritionist

PS 1: Translated with Google Translator.

PS 2: If any error correcting translation and want to help can send me an email. The original entrance is located at: